Month: July 2022

  • The passive

    The mystery of passive form, it’s uses, history and what it has in common with potential form explained. ` The passive form is one of the conjugations we learn first and causes us many troubles since it is quite different from the one used in English. Therefore I wanted to introduce it (briefly) to make…

  • Common Slang

    Contracted forms used in casual Japanese. When Japanese learners start reading or watching shows, they start to encouter numerous expressions like とこ、こりゃ、とる、てんの that do not appear in their dictionary or in textbooks and the reading or watching becomes quite discouraing. So I thought that it would be really useful if there were a list of…

  • ている, what is it all about

    And what 食べてんの and 食べとる mean. Hey and Good luck on JLPT everybody! And if you are after, then this might be a fun read to get read of stress. Have you been confused by all the ている functions? Well then, you are not alone! And this short article will be perfect for you, explaining…